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Last Updated: Feb 07, 2022     Views: 98

In-Person Instruction

Request a session using our Instruction Request Form.

Video Tutorials

Are your students preparing for a research assignment? Consider linking our video tutorials into your online courses to help your students navigate planning, locating sources, and creating citations.

Current topics include:

  • Keywords and Research Questions
  • Creating a Research Plan
  • Popular, Scholarly, and Trade Sources
  • Locating Research-Based Articles
  • Evaluating Websites
  • Creating Citations
  • Using the Catalog
  • And more!

Each tutorial includes a check for understanding to reinforce the lessons. See the tutorials yourself and request your class’s results at

Need a tutorial for a new research skill? Contact Trenton Bankert ( to request a new tutorial for your class or assignment

Canvas Integration

Contact Trenton Bankert ( to request a librarian be added to your Canvas course. Librarians can:

  • Add tutorials
  • Participate in discussion
  • Answer student questions